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Accurate  Unbiased Astute Independent Democratized

Intelligence at Your Fingertips

Geopolitical Intelligence at Your Fingertips

TAG Intel brings wealth managers geopolitical insights designed to safeguard your assets and reveal opportunities. Make more informed decisions with our 3+1 Weekly Risk Report, a curated briefing that draws on exclusive intelligence reporting and expert analysis to track TAG Intel’s top geopolitical risks for 2025. Bring clarity to uncertainty for you and your clients.

Build Trusting Relationships With Trusted Insights

Clarity is hard to find in today’s information landscape. We shed light on geopolitical developments, even in remote regions, that can impact the long-term viability of investments and economic growth. Our intelligence can help you establish the best investment posture and respond to the pivotal issues driving the global economy, supply chains, interest rates, and national security imperatives, which will ultimately help you expand your book of business.


Differentiate your services with intelligence briefings and exclusive content that you can share with clients.


Access unbiased insights free from noise and political bias.


Understand the impact of geopolitical forces easily missed by the untrained eye.


Tap into the experience of former government intelligence officers.

Empower Your Clients With Unbiased Global Analysis


The world’s most powerful leaders and successful investors rely on incisive intelligence to guide decisions in complex geopolitical landscapes. Now, TAG Intel brings the same independent expertise to RIAs, Wealth Management Firms and Asset Managers, delivered directly to you and your clients in The Intel Director’s Brief.

Discerning Insights, Delivered Directly

The Intel Director’s Brief, our suite of client offerings, distills geopolitical events in a digestible way, so you can make informed investment decisions for your clients.

The Weekly

Weekly analysis of the most pressing geopolitical issues.

The Crisis Report

Timely assessments of global events that could impact national security and markets.

The Intel Analysts’ Call

Monthly Q&A sessions with top analysts to dissect current events (forthcoming).

The Intel Director’s Cut

Monthly podcast with exclusive insights from CIA top-level veteran and Arkin Group founder, Jack Devine.

The Quarterly Report

Quarterly deep dives into critical industries and sectors.

The Intel Director’s Year-End
Round-Up and Forecast

Annual review and Jack Devine’s expert forecast for the coming year.

Spymaster’s Roundtable (Limited Availability)

In-person events with Jack Devine for select clients.

Director’s Weekly

Weekly analysis of the most pressing geopolitical issues.

Intelligence Director’s Crisis Report

Intelligence Director’s Crisis Report: Timely assessments of game-changing global events that could impact national security and markets.

Analysts’ Call

Monthly Q&A sessions with top analysts to dissect current events (forthcoming).

The Intel Director’s Cut

Exclusive insights from CIA top-level veteran and Arkin Group founder, Jack Devine.

Intelligence Director's Reports

Intelligence Director's Reports: Quarterly deep dives into critical industries and sectors.

Virtual Intelligence Director’s Year End
Round-Up and Forecast

Annual review and Jack Devine’s expert forecast for the coming year.

Spymaster’s Roundtable (Limited Availability)

In-person events with Jack Devine for select clients.

Guided by the Pursuit of Truth

Led by CIA Veteran & Private Intelligence Mastermind, Jack Devine

TAG Intel is a specialized division of private intelligence leader The Arkin Group. Jack Devine is the Founding Partner and Chairman of TAG Intel and is a 32-year veteran of the CIA. Jack was involved in organizing, planning, and executing countless sensitive projects in virtually all areas of intelligence, including analysis, operations, technology, and management. Recipient of the Agency’s Distinguished Intelligence Medal and several meritorious awards, He has led thousands of CIA employees involved in sensitive missions throughout the world.

In the private sector, Jack previously served on Kohl’s Cyber Security Advisory Group, the SAP National Security Services Advisory Board, the CyberCore Advisory Board and the Secretary of Navy’s Advisory Board and is currently on the S3 Partners Advisory Board. He is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Author of “Spymaster’s Prism: The Fight Against Russian Aggression” and “Good Hunting! An American Spymaster’s Story,” Jack frequently contributes his perspectives in op-eds in top papers of record like The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal and on national TV.

Cut through the Noise

Every action leaves a ripple in its wake. At TAG Intel, our team of seasoned experts and intelligence professionals bring clarity to the big picture.